Active Partnership Workshop

Available In-Person and Virtually

In today's dynamic business environment agile collaboration is more critical than ever. However, in most organizations, cross-functional interfaces often bump up against misaligned agenda's cultural rigidities and communication styles, causing slow reaction to change and growing frustration among employees.

The Active Partnership Workshop helps people across the organization change their perspective on how to manage relationships with their critical stakeholders. 

It is based on mapping one’s key stakeholders and actually looking at the relationship with them as a "Partnership". At the base of the methodology lies a “physical” principle, which defines each partnership as a “Third Entity

The key question would therefore be – what does this partnership need in order to be effective and agile?

Participants will gain and experience: 

  1. New tools for analyzing relationships and understanding what conditions are missing
  2. Experience Active Empathy – understanding the other’s needs and motivations
  3. Practice approaching a troubled partnership and making the leap to establish a new partnership paradigm
  4. Engage with each other in peer consultation
אייקון של ACTIVE- PARTNERSHIP- חברת גפן ייעוץ ניהולי וארגוני לחברות

Based on our vast experience in organizational development, we have developed a proprietary partnerships methodology to support cross boundary collaborative relationships – igniting a new way of working together that speeds up processes, shortens time to market and allows teams to better focus on customer needs. 

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Address: P.O.Box 156, Gan Yoshia, D.N. Emek Hefer 38850
Tel: +972-72-397-0876

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