Adapting organizational structure to a changing reality

Our Active Transformation methodology includes five critical principles for a successful transformation in these times of rapid change and uncertainty:

  1. Proactive change – continuously evolving short- and long-term targets to adapt strategies
  2. Agile processes – managing change in quick, iterative steps from round to round
  3. Co-creation –true involvement and participation of employees across all levels
  4. Client at the Center –client's perspective is seen at all times in the change process,
  5. Purpose – always keep sight of the big picture – why are we pursuing this change?

We bring a practical approach that defines success factors and indicators beforehand, and offer our services in a modular and flexible way to accommodate our clients' needs at every point.

Through this framework we address the critical leverages to foster organizational changes:

אייקון של ACTIVE- TRANSFORMATION- חברת גפן ייעוץ ניהולי וארגוני לחברות

During the covid-19 pandemic we asked over 30 CEOs, what are the most needed capabilities in these times of uncertainty and rapid market changes? The answer the majority of them gave was – versatility, agility and flexibility, all which have been lacking in their organizations and thus restricting their ability to quickly adapt to changes.

The Geffen Change Management Methodology asks a new question: instead of "How to Manage Change" we ask "How do we manage ourselves in change?"

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Address: P.O.Box 156, Gan Yoshia, D.N. Emek Hefer 38850
Tel: +972-72-397-0876

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